First Name

Last Name

What is your Dartmouth email address?

Course Title

Course Number(s)

How many students do you expect to enroll in this course?

Term: When will this course be offered next?

Course Learning Goals

Tell us a little bit about what you want your students to learn and experience in the course. What might they be able to do with the knowledge, skills, and understanding after completing this course?

Please keep this to under 500 words.

Proposed Activities

What interests you about this opportunity? (It's great if you have a specific plan at this point, but we also encourage applicants who are intrigued by the prospect of how design thinking might deepen their students' disciplinary [and interdisciplinary] knowledge but aren't sure how to do that yet.)

Please share as much detail as you can about the activity/module/project exercise that you would like to add into your course, (or about what you want such an activity/module/project/exercise to achieve, if you don’t know exactly what it will be yet). We will be happy to work with you to design the details.

Please keep this to under 500 words.

DIAD Program Overview

DIAD seeks to build a cohort of faculty implementing design thinking into their courses. We ask DIAD grant recipients to participate in the following parts of the initiatives:
